Hi! On the last post we spoke about doing a command-line bitcoin wallet using Haskell and the EasyBitcoin library; we have already introduced the protocol, so now it’s time to get our hand dirty and start coding!

Creating our own (simplified) wallet:

Our wallet will be rather simple, we’ll rely on a 3º party provider to deal with the p2p network communication, so we won’t need to install any additional software :) . Most of the time, applications communicate with the bitcoin network through a bitcoin-client hosted by themselves, this way they don’t need to rely anyone. In any case, from the code point of view, there’s no much different between calling our own client or a 3º party: it is just about adapting to their exposed API.

So let’s start importing the libraries, types and functions will need!

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, OverloadedStrings, MultiWayIf #-}

import Network.EasyBitcoin
        ( Address      -- ^ a bitcoin address.
        , address      -- ^ this function derivates addresses from Keys
        , BTC          -- ^ represent an amount of bitcoin
        , btc          -- ^ takes a Double and interprets it as btc 
                       --   (notice bitcoin are often expressed on subunits such mBtc or satoshis
                       --   , so it important to express which units are we using)
        , TestNet      -- ^ Instead of using normal bitcoin, we'll use
                       --   testnet bitcoin, which are similar but free, so we
                       --   can play with them without fearing losing actual money.

        , Key          -- ^ Represents cryptographic keys, it has 2 phantom types
                       --   to codify whether it is public or private, and in which
                       --   network (such testnet) they are supposed to be used

                       -- | We'll only use private keys. 
        , Visibility(Private)
        , Tx           -- ^ A bitcoin transaction.
        , Txid         -- ^ A bitcoin transaction identifier.
        , txid         -- ^ Computes the Txid from a Tx

        , Outpoint(..) -- ^ A Txid plus an index representing a reference to 
                        --   a transaction output.
        , transaction  -- ^ Given a list of reference to transaction outputs, the 
                       --   private keys to sign them and a list of addresses 
                       --   and amount where to send the btc's, it creates a
                       --   signed, ready to use, transaction. 

Of course that would not be enough, we’ll also need to read from command line, communicate with the 3º party using HTTP request and we’ll need to parse and compose those requests.

import System.Environment  -- ^ To read from command line   
        ( getArgs

import Network.Wreq        -- ^ To send HTTP requests.
        ( get,post
        , responseBody

import Data.Aeson          -- ^ To compose JSON values
        ( (.=),object

import Data.Aeson.Lens     -- ^ To parse JSON values.
        ( key,values,_JSON
import Control.Lens        -- ^ To make it easier parsing
        ( toListOf,_Just   --   JSON values 
        , (^?),to

And some common helpers:

import Safe(readMay)
import Control.Applicative((<$>))
import Data.List(sort)
import Data.Maybe(listToMaybe,fromMaybe)

We’ll use a constant secret private key from which our receiving address will be derivate, and that we use to sign our outgoing transaction.

secret :: Key Private TestNet
secret =  read "tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPcsbCVeqqF1KVdH7gwDJbxbzpCxDUsoXHdb6SnTPYxdwSAKYr9mrdtPfo3MkHsmViXxedm6MJD59TMuhj9vprD9UpGKnStwq"  

our_address = address secret 

Nowadays, most wallets generate a new address for each incoming transaction, this way we can track who has paid us and also it helps enhancing the user’s financial privacy. Usually it has a random secret root, and from this root they derivate new key pairs for each new address, following some deterministic derivation schema like the BIP0032.

Though EasyBitcoin has special support for BIP0032, we’ll keep things simple and use only one key and address.

Implementing main procedures:

So what should a wallet do? At least it should be able receive funds, check its current balance, and send funds to any valid address; Let’s write down these usage cases:

main :: IO ()
main = do args <- getArgs
          case args of
           ["print_address"]                -> print_address
           ["check_balance"]                -> check_balance
           ["send_bitcoins", to_, amount_]
            | Just to     <- readMay to_
            , Just amount <- readMay amount_
            , amount > 0                    -> send_bitcoins (btc amount) to 
            | otherwise                     -> putStrLn "Address and/or amount to send could not be parsed."
           _                                -> putStrLn help
   help = unlines
         [ "Undefined action, correct syntax is:"
        , "   wallet check_balance : to check current balance."
        , "   wallet print_address : to print the address where to receive funds"
        , "   wallet send_bitcoins <address> <amount> :"++ 
               " to send the specific amount (measured in btc) to the specific address"

So now, we only need to implement print_address, check_balance and send_bitcoins and we’ll be done. The first of the 3 procedure looks rather difficult

print_address = print our_address

Yes, it was even worse than expected!!

To compute our balance (check_balance), we’ll ask the 3º party about the UTXO pointing to our address, and we’ll sum them. We’ll distinguish those confirmed (with 1 or more confirmations) and those funds yet to be confirmed.

check_balance:: IO ()
check_balance = do result <- readBlockExplorer
                   let confirmed = sum [ btc | (True,_,btc) <- result ]
                       all_funds = sum [ btc | (_   ,_,btc) <- result ]
                   putStrLn $ show all_funds ++ " BTCs ( " ++ show confirmed ++ " confirmed )"

Now, in order to implement send_bitcoins, we need to compose a transaction, and send it to the 3º party so it can broadcast it into the p2p bitcoin network. For a transaction to be valid, it needs to reference the same or more bitcoin from UTXO, than the one it is sending (otherwise we could send more btc than what we have). But before we should check:

  1. We actually have enough bitcoins to send.

  2. The amount to send is not to small… transactions with tiny outputs are considered spam and rejected by the network (If doesn’t matter if we are sending 1€ million and paying $1 million on commission, currently, it is just have a single output too small, it will be considered spam).

  3. The difference between the btc’s from the UTXO’s and the one sending will be lost as a fee, if this amount is too big, we can solve this problem adding another output back to ourself sending some of the remaining btc’s.

  4. But if the difference is not big enough, doing that would lead us to the problem we were trying to solve on point 2.

send_bitcoins :: BTC TestNet -> Address TestNet -> IO ()
send_bitcoins to_send addr = 
    do  utxos           <- readBlockExplorer
        let (utxo',sending) = selectOutputs (to_send+fee) utxos
            remaining       = sending - to_send - fee

        if | remaining <  0         -> putStrLn "Not enough funds."

           | to_send   <  threshold -> putStrLn "Amount to send too small, considered dust."

           | remaining >= threshold -> send $ transaction [ (out,secret) | out <- utxo' ] (addr,to_send)

           | remaining <  threshold -> send $ transaction [ (out,secret) | out <- utxo' ] (addr,to_send)

We have forget to define some important parameters, ¿How much fee to pay?, ¿Where should be that threshold? ¿How do we select the UTXOs to use among all the available ones? For the first and second one we can check and hardcore the recommended values (they change as the network’s load and bitcoin price evolves); But the second one is a bit more complicated: if we want to select the best combination of UTXOs such it minimize the remaining returned funds (that will need around 10 extra minutes to get back confirmed), we’ll face the Knapsack problem which is NP-complete in the general case.

So as simple criteria to select a UTXO, we’ll use:

  1. We’ll prefer confirmed over no confirmed.

  2. If equally confirmed, we’ll arbitrarily prefer those with biggest Txid. (As Txid are derived from hashes, this would be close to pick one randomly).

threshold   = btc 0.0002
fee         = btc 0.0001

selectOutputs:: BTC net -> [(Bool,Outpoint,BTC net)] -> ([Outpoint],BTC net)
selectOutputs total = fromMaybe ([],0) 
                    . listToMaybe   
                    . dropWhile ((< total).snd)         
                    . scanl step ([],0)                
                    . reverse 
                    . sort    
        step (outputs,total) (_,output,amount) = (output:outputs,amount+total) 

Implementing the requests:

As we mentioned, we used 3º party, in our case, a block explorer, particularly blockr.io, but any one would work, as they are most of them quiet similar. Actually, it would only take a few changes to adapt it so it can use our own bitcoind client.

server      = "https://tbtc.blockr.io/api/v1/" 

send :: Tx net -> IO () 
send tx = do post  resource (object [ "hex" .= show tx ])
             putStrLn $ "Transaction broadcasted, txid = " ++ show (txid tx) 
    resource = server++"tx/push"

readBlockExplorer :: IO [(Bool,Outpoint,BTC TestNet)]
readBlockExplorer = toListOf extractUtxo <$> get resource

   extractUtxo       = responseBody.key "data".key "unspent".values.to parseOutpoint._Just

   resource          = server ++ "address/unspent/"++ show our_address ++ "?unconfirmed=1"

   parseOutpoint val = do txid      <- val ^? key "tx"            . _JSON . to readMay . _Just
                          n         <- val ^? key "n"             . _JSON
                          -- | -- WARNING: amount is shown as String by Blockr.io
                          amount    <- val ^? key "amount"        . _JSON . to readMay . _Just 
                          confirmed <- val ^? key "confirmations" . _JSON . to (>(0::Int))

                          return (confirmed,Outpoint txid n,btc amount)

Time to play:

So we have finally finished and our implementation is ready to be used! I already sent some tBTC so you can already start making some transactions (unless someone has done them before you).

If you want to create your own version, don’t forget to use a different secret (as It is posted on a blog I guess is not really a “secret”). The EasyBitcoin library accept both WIF and BIP0032 as format for its Read instance.

If you want to use the official bitcoin’d’ client, just adapt procedure send and readBlockExplorer to use its API.

You can find the EasyBitcoin documentation on hackage; or just fire me a comment and I’ll try my best to help :)